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How to Recognize the First Signs of Dementia in a Family Member

Dementia is the deterioration of cognitive performances such as thinking, recalling, and rationalization — to the point where it meddles with daily activities. Some people with dementia cannot manage their impulses, and their personalities can shift. Dementia progresses in lethality from moderate to severe, with the tamest stage affecting a person’s working effectively the least and the severest extreme requiring the individual to rely entirely on others to perform basic everyday tasks.

Dementia becomes more prevalent as individuals age (around one of the people aged 85 and older may have some dementia). Yet, it is not a normal part of aging. Numerous people are living well into their 90s and even beyond without exhibiting any symptoms of dementia. There are various kinds of dementia, which include Alzheimer’s disease. The signs of an individual can vary based on the type.

Before proceeding, it is essential to note that while dementia & memory lapses are closely related, the reasons for memory loss vary. That is, having memory loss does not necessarily constitute dementia, although it can be a warning.

What are the signs and symptoms?

  • Using ambiguity in everyday conversations
  • Memory loss that interferes with daily functioning
  • Memory loss in the short term
  • Difficulties performing regular work and taking longer to finish routine tasks
  • Loss of enthusiasm for or interest in usual activities
  • Problems thinking or saying the appropriate words
  • Personality or behavioral changes
  • Having difficulty following instructions
  • Having difficulty following stories
  • The unpredictability of emotions has increased.

If your elderly loved one exhibits several of these pervasive warnings, you must seek advice from a doctor & start taking the ‘SAGE.’

What is SAGE?

The SAGE test is an acronym in short for the Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam. This exam, as the name implies, can be taken at home. There aren’t any special tools or degree books required. The test aims to assist your regular physician in assessing your cognitive performance and identifying any mental issues or poor memory. It is frequently used to detect early symptoms of dementia, especially among older seniors who might be at risk.

SAGE assesses cognitive performance in the key segments:

  • Orientation (month, date, year)
  • Dialect (verbal fluency and picture naming)
  • Calculation and reasoning
  • Visuospatial (three-dimensional construction & clock drawing)
  • Executive (problem-solving)
  • Memory

What are some other symptoms of dementia?

This could be linked to dementia. In addition to the typical signs, you should be attentive to the mentioned physical and much more apparent symptoms:

  • Agitation: People with dementia frequently experience mood changes such as ambiguity, mood swings, depression, or anxiety. Your parent could become easily agitated in new or unfamiliar scenarios.
  • Wandering: Dementia patients may become disoriented in familiar surroundings or wander. Dementia ambling can occur for various reasons, such as fear, anxiety, lethargy, or a desire to return to previous routines.
  • Picking: If an older parent performs repetitive behaviors such as closing and opening containers or turning on and off the television, this could be a symptom of dementia.
  • Sleep issues: Insomnia is a frequent problem in dementia patients. Your elderly parent may have trouble sleeping or wake up several times at night.
  • Eating disorders: Your parent may neglect to eat or drink. Medications used to alleviate symptoms of dementia can also impair your loved one’s appetite or taste. It can be challenging to guarantee that your loved one with dementia receives adequate fluids and nutrition.
  • Incontinence: Your loved one could lose bladder & bowel problems as the condition progresses. Changes in the surroundings can also cause accidents because a person with dementia may be unable to find or get to the bathroom in time.


A physician should make the diagnosis, but being attentive to your loved one & keeping track of the symptoms you recognize will be time well spent. Professionals will have additional clarity as they start to ascertain the reason for the symptoms you have demonstrated if you provide more specific info.

A steady decrease in cognitive performance can make it challenging to perform/do some basic everyday activities, and no older adult should be left alone in this regard. Artha helps the elderly with Alzheimers care home disease and Dementia care home delhi NCR. Call us for further information about our elderly home and to gain direct knowledge of the highly hospitable facilities for seniors.