A nursing home should be a caring, supportive environment where the senior citizen and elderly can be allowed with legitimate trust and belief by their loved ones for effective retirement and a genuine living experience within their twilight days. Senior citizen home care services are one aspect, there are design, engineering and considerations for various other aspects, incorporating perspectives.
· Safety features within ergonomics: Old-age homes and nursing facilities would incorporate safety in their design, features, and facilities for senior citizens. Primary considerations for these safety provisions revolve around falls, navigation, and emergency responses for senior citizens and older people. Safety features aim to prevent older people from coming to significant harm; they include but are not limited to anti-sl, IP measures, elimination of rough edges, useable hand bars in bathrooms and washing spaces, and specialised digital technology that the senior citizen/adult can utilise. Many of these requirements are standard considerations for issues faced in senior citizen care services.
· Security provisions: These are enabled in facilities that allow the controlled intake and uptake of individuals to and from the facility. They also include access control systems and CCTV surveillance systems, which enable the control of crowds and visitors to the facility. Artha is among the renowned providers of luxury old age homes in Gurgaon.
· Technology: There are provisions specifically aimed at residents and senior citizens living in facilities. Technologies like intercom systems, emergency alert systems, communications, and alarms enable management and safety. Other technology includes digital systems and possible integrated SMART housing and SMART living features.
· Housekeeping services: housekeeping services are enabled and provided for seniors living in a luxury senior citizen home. It allows the active.
· On-site response teams/staff: caretakers who are on-site acting as response teams/staff can respond to any questions or requirements of the senior.
· Palliative care: Focused treatment aimed at pain management and effective management of seniors faced with life-threatening conditions.
· Dementia care provision (neurodegenerative diseases): The elderly account for the vast majority of cases of dementia, wherein these individuals may require specialised and consistent care for the entirety of the time they are enrolled in assisted living facilities. Individuals suffering from neurodegenerative diseases would struggle with memory, withdraw from society, and have little to no motivation or ability to complete regular, everyday tasks. It is thus crucial for senior citizens or elderly struggling with dementia or neurodegenerative conditions to be admitted to facilities that acknowledge, handle, and manage the condition with the requisite trained staff. These conditions pose significant risks to individuals, especially the vulnerable sections, which are the elderly and senior citizens. Assisted living Delhi: Artha enables services for your lovedones who may be afflicted with neurodegenerative diseases.
· Alzheimer’s care provision (neurodegenerative diseases): Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that can slowly destroy memory and thinking skills. Assisted living provisions enable individuals to function with neurodegenerative diseases and thrive in environments.
· Physical fitness and wellness activities: These provisions enable physical activity for individuals in assisted living facilities. They are a core/critical component of wellness and activities required by senior citizens or individuals in assisted living.
· Meeting and facilities for engaging with loved ones and visitors: Individuals enrolled in assisted living and daycare facilities can engage with loved ones and visitors; there are visiting programs and strict visitation times that individuals can access and use, and are among some required, demanded provisions among a day care center for old age.
· Transportation services: Individuals enrolled in assisted living facilities may utilise transportation facilities for their travel requirements outside the facility.