The elderly & senior citizens are usually moving to assisted living/daycare facilities, with enrolment arising due to various factors. Artha is among the renowned luxury nursing homes in Gurgaon. There are several reasons individuals require assisted living solutions:
· Requiring medication support/struggling with health issues: Certain health conditions can require the elderly to be placed in assisted living. Among the various conditions older people suffer from, many are debilitating and need constant support and addressing. These conditions may be diabetes, cancer, and even terminal brain-related illnesses like Alzheimer’s or dementia. These are debilitating conditions that can result in the placing of the individual in assisted living. They may also suffer from conditions like dialysis, which is a provision among several facilities that serve as a daycare centre for old age.
· Elderly living away from children: This is one of the usual preconditions for placing the elderly in assisted living. They may be living far away from children and family members.
· Older people have conflicts with developments in their family and community: Due to the rapid pace of technology and globalisation, many of the elderly population have conflicts with developments and changes in their community and lifestyles affecting specific individuals. There have been rapid expansion and technological developments, and these have also seeped into popular culture and transformed many belief systems and practices; these changes conflict with various sections of the elderly population who oppose them and may find them to be something that they can reject.
· Inability to adapt to changing labour markets: Older people are often forced into earlier forms of retirement due to their failure to adapt to changing labour markets and economic transformations. There may be a vast disparity between the elderly individual’s ability, knowledge, and the current state of qualifications, knowledge, and skills required. The inability to upskill as an effective response to economic transformations relating to technology and digital transformation has forced and effectively locked many individuals out of the economy. The elderly are a particularly vulnerable population due to various health issues, lack of income and revenue streams, and general decline in health and well-being, acting as very detrimental factors towards assimilation in the labour markets. In many countries, older people may be forced to retire earlier or work beyond retirement age.
· Physical decline: Older people may be unable to carry out simple physical tasks that require effort and labour. This can make it extremely difficult for individuals to dedicate themselves to older people and their care.
– Neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer’s care home: Artha is among the service providers for seniors afflicted with neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia, which are some of the diagnoses among senior citizens and the elderly. Artha is among the results returned when individuals searched for dementia care homes in Delhi NCR.
· Are not members of the active pension system or government compensation: Many individuals who have worked in the private sector or jobs that do not enable intake into pension or government-related schemes would have to use assisted living and retirement homes in their twilight years.
· Low income/lack of financial security: Individuals from low-income strata and categories would use assisted living as a cheaper alternative to living with family members or in public/private housing. Their living costs may be enabled or subsidised by their family members or various other individuals.
· · Coercion by guardians/children and other close individuals: individuals may coerce or force older people into assisted living facilities due to a lack of other viable and realistic options. This occurs, and many children and young adults are considering moving their parents and elderly into assisted living facilities/elderly homes. Post-surgery rehab care seniors: Artha is a provision for seniors and their unique conditions in Gurgaon.